living, working & learning truro:colchester


Located 40 minutes north of Truro, along the warm summer waters of the Northumberland Strait, separating Nova Scotia from Prince Edward Island.

Population – 900

Festivals – Oktoberfest - Final weekend in September

Blueberry Festival – August

Farmers’ Market – Spring, Summer & Fall

A lively and energetic group of volunteers help to make special events and projects happen in Tatamagouche and surrounding communities ( Brule, Denmark, Marshville and Earltown. Newcomers are attracted to Tatamagouche and an increasing number of residents are arriving from Europe – especially the UK. Villagers find jobs in local bushinesses – restaurants, pharmacy, a bank, several markets, craft and professional service shops. Other workers commute to nearby Truro, Amherst and New Glasgow. The list of popular attractions in Tatamagouche is quite extensive. Some of the long time favorites are the Tamagouche Centre, the Annual Oktoberfest and the Anna Swan Exhibit now housed at the Tatamagouche Creamery Square. In September 2008, The Village of Tatamagouche will be presented with the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia “Community Spirit Award”.

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Tatamagouche Wins 5 Blooms

Tatamagouche has received the highest Communities in Bloom award possible thanks to all the hard work put into the beautification of the Village and area.  Esther MacKenzie and Linda Byers accepted the 5 Bloom Award on behalf of  Tatamagouche at the Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia 2008 Tourism Summit held in Halifax on Dec 2nd.

This is the fourth year we have been involved in this project and our score has steadily improved each year.  Only because of all the hard work and involvement of the businesses, groups and individuals has this been possible.  So many things are happening in Tatamagouche, such as receiving the lieutenant-governors Community Spirit Award, the Patterson Wharf improvements and Tatamagouche Sunflower Spirit Day just to mention a few.  Participation in the flower and planter contest has increased each year and whether you drove through Main Street, side streets or the outlying areas the flower displays were spectacular.  As the Sunflower was chosen as the Tatamagouche Flower, it was great to see it being used in so many flower beds.

Special mention was given to Willow Lodge Home for Special Care and the Seniors CIB Program.  Also mentioned in the evaluation report are the Creamery Square, Fraser Cultural Centre, Nelson Park, Tim Horton Camp, Butter Trail and Farmers Market.

“Overall the Village of Tatamagouhce has made great strides in the CIB program provincially.  This community is certainly ready for the national stage in CIB.  There are numerous community projects that very positively affect the quality of like for residents and visitor to the village” said contest judge Brian Hicks

“We are certainly thinking about entering the national competition, which would mean we would be up against other communities of the same population across Canada but this will depend on whether we can get funding.  We will soon meet to discuss our future plans and determine what fundraising we can do” said Esther. “We would be thrilled to have more people involved in this project and hope that businesses, groups or individuals will come on board to make next years project even better”. 


Colchester Regional Development Agency © 2008