living, working & learning truro:colchester

Great Village

Located 55 minutes northwest of Halifax-Stanfield International Airport and 15 minutes west of Truro.

Population - 560

Festivals - Canada Day Parade and Picnic – July, Strawberry Supper Festival – July

A number of gardens and Victorian-era houses are located in and around Great Village. The community is home to several antique shops, stately churches, bed and breakfasts and a large flower and vegetable gardening retailer.

Most Great Villagers either work in the local area, or commute to jobs in nearby Debert and Truro.

In her youth, Pulitzer Prize winning author Elizabeth Bishop lived with her grandparents in Great Village. She based many of her stories on life in a fictional village of the same name. A series of interpretive panels celebrating her life are located adjacent to the Great Village River, which divides the village in half.

Colchester Regional Development Agency © 2008