living, working & learning truro:colchester


With Truro at its heart, Truro:::Colchester boasts some of the best shopping, dining and nightlife outside Halifax. But when you really need to get away, just a half-hour drive sits the Stanfield International Airport and the world beyond.

Communities outside the Truro-Bible Hill urban core offer unique shopping experiences. Communities such as Stewiacke and Tatamagouche host their own Main Street shopping districts. While charming country villages like Great Village, Bass River, Debert, Economy, Five Islands, Masstown, Denmark and Brookfield offer unique antique shops, furniture stores, bakeries, fish and farm markets and more often than not, a few special surprises.

Downtown Truro Shopping District

View a directory of shops in Truro's downtown shopping district.

Truro Mall

Truro Mall is a modern enclosed facility with more than 65 stores and services.

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Colchester Regional Development Agency © 2008