Mark Wood Secretary / Treasurer  


Mark grew up and studied in Fredericton, New Brunswick. After a decade living and traveling in Europe, the Far East and USA, he and his wife, Desiree, decided to make Great Village home. They have 3 children: Nicolas, Maria & Byron.

Mark is an electrical engineer who works with sensors. He started out in the field of medical electronics, but switched to marine technology because it’s simply more fun.

Since starting his engineering company, Instrument Concepts Inc, his main interest has been in the offshore energy industry. Sensors developed by his company are used in nearly every ocean in the world, for surveying, energy production and safety.

He realizes that the world’s energy industry is beginning to see huge changes, and hopes to see Nova Scotia industry play a big part in shaping the future of offshore energy. "I would like to help promote a balanced range of industries in this region. To see more knowledge-based and technology companies succeed here. I see CoRDA as a vital conduit for growing Colchester County into a great place to live."

Mark's vision for Colchester: " A prosperous, well-educated community with a broad balance of resource, manufacturing, tourism and knowledge-based industry. A place where the quality of life competes easily with any community or city in Canada, and where young people can choose to live here and have satisfying work lives."

Congratulations Mark on your honoured achievement of "Exporter of the Year" with Instrument Concepts of Great Village, NS.

Colchester Regional Development Agency © 2008