Ann Marie Beals 


Ann Marie has lived in Salmon River for over 18 years. She has 3 daughters at various stages of their education and life - one in middle school, one in high school and one in university.

Over the years Ann Marie has had many careers. She has been a banker, an entrepreneur and now an educator at a local elementary school. 

She thoroughly enjoys the interaction with the children, our next leaders. Because of her own family and the students that she sees each day, she has made a firm commitment to try to ensure that our future generations are able to enjoy the quality of life from which we now benefit.


Ann Marie states, "Economic development, with sustainability, community diversity and green initiatives, is needed to ensure a stable and consitent quality of life for all residents of Colchester County. CoRDA, with its myriad of sustainable and forward-thinking plans and projects, is an excellent example of how to consider all aspects in the building and maintaining of a prosperous and equitable community, and I am proud to be a member of this auspicious Board." 

Colchester Regional Development Agency © 2008