Ericka Wicks

Business Sustainability Coordinator
Phone: (902) 957-2423
[email protected]

Ericka joined the Colchester Regional Development Agency as Business Sustainability Coordinator in 2009.

She studied environmental science and chemistry at Dalhousie University and has worked at the Department of Environment in the Solid Waste-Resource Management branch as an Environmental Research Technical Analyst.

Ericka is responsible for overseeing the transformation of the Debert Industrial Park into an eco-industrial park, and to help companies and organizations in Colchester with their greening initiatives.  Ericka also delivers CoRDA's Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program.

Prior to joining CoRDA, she worked with municipalities to create efficient waste management programs to ultimately increase Nova Scotia's diversion rate and to keep valuable waste out of our landfills.

Ericka puts a lot of care towards self-development and professional growth.  She is an ambassador for both CoRDA and Colchester County.  She brings to the job a vast array of experiences.

The Colchester Regional Development Agency has been recognized with a provincial award for its leadership skills on the environmental front.

“The Environmental Excellence in Business Award” is given to Nova Scotia companies who show environmental leadership. CoRDA is one of the first non-profit agencies to be recognized with the honour.

Becoming “green” also saves money for companies based in Debert and the rest of the Colchester Region. That’s because CoRDA’s Business Sustainability Coordinator Ericka Wicks offers free energy audits to all members of the Colchester business community, showing them how to increase profits by lessening their environmental footprints.

Colchester Regional Development Agency © 2008